Monday, March 14, 2011

My Health Journey: February

Praise the Lord, Carl got a job, and life is starting to get back to "normal"!  Thank you to those who prayed for us.  We truly appreciate it.

February was an interesting month, and there isn't much to tell about my health journey, other than it was difficult to eat right!  Carl was let go from his job because of cut-backs, and so he was out of work for almost a month.  If you lose your job and know you'll be working again in a month, you can get lots accomplished around the house, and catch up on various projects.  But when you have no idea when work will come, yet the bills continue to arrive, it somewhat paralyzes you, and all you can do is pray and constantly search.

My routine changed.  I still ate pretty healthily, but ate more comfort (cooked) food -- probably because of stress and because I was busy trying to help Carl as much as I could.  Happily though, I didn't gain any weight, but maintained the 10 pounds I lost in January.  I'm looking to March as a better month for eating more raw foods, and I also hope to lose more weight. :)

With the weather starting to warm up a little, we're looking to getting our new garden started.  I'm excited about fresh veggies growing right in our back yard, and all the healthy goodies I'll be able to make from them!


  1. Great news about your husband's job!!

  2. So glad to hear that your husband got a job! I know there's lots of praising the Lord going on at your house!


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