It' summertime, and we have lots of dejunking, organizing, and cleaning to do! Yesterday was Suzette's day off, so the girls worked together to clean out and organize the china cabinet, and also what Whitney calls the "museum"... a huge old handmade cabinet we inherited from family that holds some of our small antiques and other things. I worked on the pantry. The jobs didn't look too daunting, until we pulled everything out and realized what we had to deal with! I told Suzette, "I just want my china cabinet to look like a china cabinet and not a JUNK cabinet!" Well, she did it! She cleaned it up and only put back in what looks pretty through the glass.
Whitney worked to transfer "museum" items to the other cabinet, as well as pack away things I don't use -- things the girls might want in the future. She did a great job packing glass items wrapped up safely in paper.
It was a lot of work, and very tiring, but worth it! The downside is we had to get fast food for our lunch so we wouldn't lose our cleaning momentum! :)
We have much more that I hope we can accomplish this summer, and will tackle another area soon!
Lol... the pic of Taco Bell food makes me laugh!